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Is bruxism secretly wrecking your smile? Bruxism is a common, yet often undetected sleep disorder caused by grinding or gnashing your teeth while unconscious, and often done while asleep. Treating bruxism can be done fairly easily with night guards or bite plates, but the real task is determining if you even suffer from it, to begin with.

Common signs of bruxism can be found in your oral health. Check your teeth and gums to see if the disorder has begun to affect you while you sleep. One common sign that can be easily overlooked is the damage to the inner cheek tissue of your gums. If you notice signs of damage or biting you may be suffering from bruxism. Other common symptoms include flat teeth, shorter teeth than usual, and strange indentations on your tongue.

Aches and pains are commonly associated with bruxism. When you wake up in the morning and feel extra soreness in your mouth, or if your jaw hurts when you move, bruxism may be prevalent and may even be leading to a TMJ disorder within the joints of your jaw. Additional symptoms include earaches, headaches, and overall unexplained facial pain.

Dr. Purvesh Malaviya and Dr. Mrugank Sardhara at Creative Dental Group will ensure that you get the quality care your smile requires. If you would like to come visit us at our dentist office in New Bedford, Massachusetts, please schedule an appointment at 508-990-9900. Come in today to learn all about the joys of a healthier smile!